

The integrative approach of EPITREE includes 5 WorkPackages (WP):

  • WP1 - Screening for candidate regions for epigenomic analysis - Leading Scientists: S. Maury (P1), J Tost (P6)
    • Selection of genotypes of poplar and oak for whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS)
  • WP2 - Characterization of the extent of epigenomic variation in natural populations and its functional consequences - Leading Scientists: V Segura (P2), C. Plomion (P3)
    • Characterize the extent of epigenomic variation within natural populations of sessile oak and black poplar and to evaluate its functional consequences
  • WP3 - Epigenomic plasticity in response to environmental constraints and its functional consequences - Leading Scientists: Regis Fichot (P1), G. Le Provost (P3)
    • Quantify the extent of G×E interactions for epigenomic, transcriptomic and phenotypic variation
    • Characterize G×E interactions through reaction norms and plasticity indices
  • WP4 - Integrative analysis modelling the multiscale relationships between quantitative traits and their molecular determinants - Leading Scientists: Jérôme Salse (P4) and Christophe Ambroise (P5)
    • Develop statistical methods within a bioinformatics framework, to integrate heterogeneous data at different scales and to analyse their relevance for phenotype prediction
    • Integration of gene expression and methylation data
    • Impact of long-term evolution on the short-term adaptation of trees
  • WP5 - Co-ordination and dissemination under the responsibility of P1
    • Scientific and administrative management
    • Dissemination
    • Teaching activities