

The partnership presented here combines French experts in statistics and mathematical modelling (C.Ambroise, S. Gribkova from P5), tree genetics and genomics (V. Segura from P2, C. Plomion and G. Le Provost from P3,), (epi)genetics (S. Maury from P1 and J. Tost from P6), comparative evolutionary genomics (J. Salse from P4), breeding (C. Bastien from P2) and ecophysiology (R. Fichot from P1) for both poplar (P1, P2) and oak (P3). Each of these partners has long-standing experience in their own research area.

Université Orléans

Partner 1 : Orleans University

S. Maury, Coordinateur & R. Fichot

This team has a long-standing experience in poplar ecophysiology (carbon and water fluxes) and plant epigenetics (poplar, sugar beet), particularly in genome–wide DNA methylation analysis.

Logo Biofora (AGPF)

Partner 2: INRA Orleans

V. Segura & C. Bastien

This team leads the French consortium for poplar breeding (GIS Peuplier) and has extensive experience in quantitative genetics. P2 has also coordinated several EU-funded projects.


Partner 3: INRA Bordeaux

C. Plomion & G. Le Provost

The research activities of this unit relating to the project proposed here concern studies of the structure, evolution and function of the oak genome. P3 is also coordinating the oak genetic resources conservation programme in France.


Partner 4: INRA Clermont-Ferrand

J. Salse

The research activities of this group focus on plant and animal genome comparisons, with the aim of deciphering structural or functional evolutionary plasticity through ancestral genome reconstruction and sequencing.


Partner 5: CNRS Évry/Paris

C. Ambroise and S. Gribkova

The research activities of this group focus on the development of new statistical methods for biological data analysis. S. Gribkova from University Paris-Diderot (UMR CNRS 7599) will be attached to the Evry team.


Partner 6: CEA-Centre National de Génotypage at Evry

J. Tost

The research activities of this group concern the development and implementation of technologies for the comprehensive high-throughput profiling of epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation in particular, and the bioinformatic and biostatistical methods required to analyse such data. This group generated the first oilseed rape methylome and has already collaborated with Partner 1 on DNA methylation analyses in poplar.